How to enter
Are you our next Ambassador for a Day? If you are between 14-17 years old in Denmark and you identify as a girl, you can participate by submitting an essay or video that answers the questions. Record or write your essay and send it to us by 21 March 2023.
Question for 2023 competition:
"Do you have concerns about the impact of climate change?
What action would you like to see taken to tackle climate change?
What role do you think you can play?"
Today, there are too few women in international diplomacy. Women are far from being represented at parity in political and business sectors. This year in Denmark there has been much debate about what gender equality means and around the world we are still working towards gender equality. Ambassador for a Day is a competition aimed at encouraging young girls to become leaders and advocates for change.
Write or record your answer to the question below
Complete the entry form
Submit your answer and entry form
Winners’ Prize
Guest of Honour at Inspirational Women’s event hosted by UK Ambassador to Denmark with female ambassadors, business and civil society leaders.
Become one of our Young Ambassadors for 2023 – participate in Embassy events, projects and social media campaigns.
Develop and build your skills in public speaking, networking and personal impact.
Participate in workshops on climate change and women in leadership
Build new friendships with likeminded young winners
​You can submit your answer as a video or a short piece of writing. If written, it should be no more than 250 words long. If it is a video, it should be no longer than 90-120 seconds. The text/video can be in either Danish or English. We would really like girls from all backgrounds to apply, no matter where you are from or what you would like to do. We are looking for potential.
See the latest competition updates and hear from previous winners on our Facebook and our Ambassador Emma’s Twitter:
Why is the Ambassador for a Day competition only open to girls?
Gender equality is about ensuring equality of opportunity and equitable outcomes for all women and men. Because of women’s historical social and political disadvantage, this often means measures and networks that support women in particular are needed. (Source: Women in diplomacy)
Projecting current trends into the future, the overall global gender gap will close in 108 years. The most challenging gender gaps to close are the economic and political empowerment dimensions, which will take 202 and 107 years to close respectively. (Source: World Economic Forum)
Across the 149 countries assessed, Women serve as Heads of State or Government in only 22 countries, and 119 countries have never had a woman leader. At the current rate, gender equality in the highest positions of power will not be reached for another 130 years. Just 18% of ministers and 24% of parliamentarians globally are women. Similarly, women hold just 34% of managerial positions across the countries where data is available, and less than 7% in the four worst-performing countries. (Source: UN Women)
There are still 44 countries where over 20% of women are illiterate. Similarly, near-parity in higher education enrolment rates often mask low participation of both men and women. On average, 65% of girls and 66% of boys have enrolled in secondary education globally, and just 39% of women and 34% of men are in college or university today.
Women’s participation increases the probability of a peace agreement lasting at least two years by 20 percent, and by 35 percent the probability of a peace agreement lasting 15 years. Analysis of 40 peace processes since the end of the Cold War shows that, in cases where women were able to exercise a strong influence on the negotiation process, there was a much higher chance that an agreement would be reached than when women’s groups exercised weak or no influence. In cases of strong influence of women an agreement was almost always reached. (Source: 1325 study)